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Shadowcraft Services

Everyone has a doctor within him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.

- Hippocrates

​​​Spiritual Services - suspended until Mid 2023

Spiritual Guidance & Development : $65 per hour

Learn to trust your intuition and recognize the signs that your body tells you. Determine what your special gifts are, and allow us to help you reach your full potential! Unlock the secrets of your subconscious and reach a higher understanding of yourself and the universe. Learn to trust and believe in yourself.



Chakra Energy Analysis and Alignment : $125

This involves a full body scan of your 7 main chakras as well as the Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras to see how they are functioning and what blockages are stopping your chakras from operating at their full capacity. The analysis will be performed first, to enable a comprehensive assessment of your overall energy. The Veil Master will interpret the energy and try to pinpoint the root cause of the blockage to prevent it returning. Most practitioners will clear energy, but fail to give information about the root cause of recurring blockages. Not us! Following the analysis, an alignment (aka Healing) will be performed to remove energetic "residue" where needed, rebalance, and restore energy flow throughout the body. You will also get to discover what your Earth Star chakra looks like! Everyone has a different connection to the earth and our ancestry, so each person has an Earth Star Chakra which is unique to them. Allow 2 hours for this appointment, as there can sometimes be a LOT that needs clearing in some cases. Some people may need additional sessions depending on the energies within that person. CAUTION: Do not come to us if you are wanting gentle healing. Our method is very deep and can bring up very sensitive issues or darkness that remains in your energy field and chakras. We can unearth very deep-set patterns of behaviour, thinking and feeling.

Shadowcraft Services - suspended until Mid 2023

The Veil Master is a spiritually gifted energy healer, channeler and Shadow Master of the spirit realm. She performs energy healing in a number of ways, extractions of attachments, house/property clearing and more. She can connect to past lives, look into Soul Contracts and access information from the Akashic Records. The Veil Master is the only qualified and experienced Shadowcraft expert on the globe (see


If you feel that your house is haunted, that you are being taunted by something or having unusual things happen around you, then the Veil Master is the one to contact. Most priests will not help with exorcisms these days, and this is where she does what needs to be done. Don't ever think that when "weird stuff" happens, that it is your Guardian Angels speaking to you. This is not always the case. Anything that doesn't make sense (like erratic animal behaviour, shadows, smoke and haze, things being moved around the house, electrical disturbances, scratchings or marks on walls) - these ARE NOT friendly to you. DO NOT invite them in!


She has helped close energy portals within houses, cleared attachments from people which have been present for over 50 years, helped souls enter the light, banish evil creatures, break blood-pact curses/soul contracts and have even dealt with demonic possession! Yep... this actually happens...


SLEEP PARALYSIS is often a sign of negative entities playing with you. Book an appointment with us now before they cause more havoc. A full cleansing or banishment must always be performed in person.


Aura Cleanse: $15

Every day stress can de-harmonize our energy fields. Negative energies tend to cling to us when we are down and will feed off of it. Feel lighter and less troubled after an aura cleanse. Only available at our Shoppe in Royal Park - or at Carpe Diem in Port Adelaide from July 2022 onwards.


House Clearing: $75 per hour (after hours $100 per hour)

Additional charges may apply depending on travel and time spent clearing. Allow approximately 2 hours for a standard 3 bedroom house.

We may offer payment plans and discount in some cases. 

Attachments, Troubled Spirits and Negative Entities: 

This is our specialty. Each case is different. Let us know your story and we can help you from there. 

If you feel that you have something negative attached to you, are hearing strange sounds in your house, feel overly anxious/depressed/angry for no reason or feel a shift that doesn't feel right, you may be the prey of something nasty. 


Step 1: Book an Assessment to determine what is going on and whether you have an attachment. Initial Assessment is $55, or Initial Assessment with the Challenge Test (highly accurate and recommended) is $75.


Step 2: Allow one week between first consultation and the next step. We may need to explore further or we may be able to perform the banishment within that time frame. The process is quite involved and depends on the information at hand. Some cases however, will call for an immediate Extraction. The cost for this is between $100 and $150 depending on the work involved.

What is Shadowcraft?

Shadowcraft is the embodiment of "Light vs. Dark" & "Good vs. Evil".

It is Beings of Light going to battle against Creatures of Darkness.

It is the blanket term for the various kinds of Spiritual Intervention required when darkness bleeds through the veil and shows up as paranormal disturbances, psychosis, trauma or abuse.


Shadowcraft is a modern concept, but in history it was a responsibility entrusted only to the Highest Priests & Priestesses in Ancient eras. They were Keepers of the Light and Defenders against Darkness. In modern times, we are now known as Veil Masters.


Veil Masters see the good, the bad and the ugly. 

We can see through the veil and into the darkness. We know what lurks in the shadows. We can travel through realms and have the ability to visit past, present and future. We are psychic channels and can identify entities, creatures and beasts hiding in the dark. We operate at very high frequencies and are in direct contact with Gods, Goddesses, Angels and Guides. We can see through the manipulation and trickery of negative entities. We banish creatures, extract attachments, clear houses, reverse energies and save human souls. 

"Darkness cannot exist where there is Light"


"Veil Master" is a modern term for a Defender against Darkness, a profession authenticated and established by Siona, THE VEIL MASTER. 

Siona has been in battle against Shadow for 20 years and developed the doctrine of Shadowcraft so that others can access help and also learn this valuable knowledge which has been lost in history and ostracized in modern times.


Shadowcraft is not for the feint-hearted and only a small number of people across the world are naturally born with the gift of Veil Mastery.

For all things that go BUMP in the night...

For when you require Spiritual Intervention


Initial Assessment - Stage 1

An INITIAL ASSESSMENT must be performed before any action is taken. The professional will perform an extensive assessment and explore the client’s concerns and determine a “diagnosis” using various methods including interviewing, reviewing any photographic and/or video evidence, physical assessment and using psychic channelling methods to determine spiritual connections. An assessment will also explore “natural” causes taking into consideration psychological, medical and environmental factors. Up to 3 initial consultations may be required to determine a final decision. For best results, the client is advised to follow the professional’s recommendations to resolve the issue. There are usually a multitude of reasons for why Occurrences happen, and half the responsibility lies in the client’s action and response. The process is completely CONFIDENTIAL. The Veil Master is non-denominational and an Omnist meaning that all cultures and belief systems are considered and accepted. The assessment is performed in person in Adelaide.

Cost: $75 per 45 mins


Spiritual Intervention - Stage 2

Spiritual intervention is a metaphysical process whereby a person/persons believe, within their spiritual and/or religious beliefs, that there is a “supernatural” reason for particular occurrences in a person’s life, and is engaging in professional assistance to restore peace and harmony. Such occurrences may include, but are not limited to:

•Attachments – the belief that there is a negative entity such as a spirit or “demon” attached to the person, causing a number of physical, emotional, psychological and/or spiritual distress to the person directly.

•Haunting – the belief that there is a negative entity, or many negative entities, such as a spirit or “demon” attached to the house or property, whom is causing a distress to the inhabitants such as unusual sounds, feeling a presence, pets acting strange, seeing shadows and/or lights, flickering lights, batteries going flat often, nasty smells, hearing footsteps, banging or other sounds, temperature changes, seeing orbs, feeling touched and hearing voices.

•Portals & Gateways – the belief that there is a portal or gateway to other realms open in one’s residence or property causing unrest.

•Possession – the belief that there is a negative entity such as a spirit or “demon” who is hiding inside a person’s body, unbeknownst to the individual and/or people around them, causing them to behave in an extremely inappropriate manner. Indicators can include violent outbursts, the need for darkness, talking to oneself, isolating oneself from others and not wanting to be social and highly sensitive to certain objects.


Each Occurence requires a different strategy to resolve the issue and must be performed in stages. The process is crucial to the effectiveness of shadowcraft. Cost depends on what action is required.


Aura Cleanse

This is a basic cleansing of the aura and energy fields, but also helps The Veil Master determine if there is anything "stuck" in your energy field. Negative entities are well hidden and don't like to be seen, therefore Aura Cleansing is a very effective way of determining whether you have an attachment. An Aura Cleanse is also a great way to help rid your energy field of low vibrational energy that is preventing you from self-progression. Approximately 5-10 minutes.

Cost: $75 per 45 mins


Full Body Chakra Scan, Healing & Earth Star Identification

This involves a full body scan of a person's energy centres from the Earth Star Chakra all the way up to the Soul Star Chakra. The Earth Star Chakra is a vital chakra point for every person and each person has their own unique Earth Star Chakra. They are generally a natural element, gemstone, wood, metal or something representing the earth which is significant for that person. In these sessions, you will be told what your unique Earth Star Chakra looks like and a rebalance and healing of the other chakras will also occur. Approx 2 hours in duration.

Cost: $125


Extracting Attachments

Following the Initial Assessment and Aura Cleanse, it may be determined that there is an Attachment present. Attachments can be present for any number of reasons and are usually in human or creature form (a creature can be a transfigured human soul). For the best results, we advise that a 7 day period is required between the cleanse and extraction process. The Veil Master performs extra work in the background during this time to determine connections, get names of the attachments and work out the most effective course of action for the particular attachment. Different entities require different methods of extraction. When the extraction is performed, it can take up to an hour to complete. 

Cost: $75-$150

You decide how valuable it is to you!


Extraction of Possessions

Following the Initial Assessment and Aura Cleanse, it may be determined that there is Possession in progress or has already begun. Possessions aren't always as obvious as made out in the movies but there are definite signs we look for. A possession is never/rarely human in form - the entity is usually something from the Underworld. For the best results, we advise that a 7 day period is required between the cleanse and extraction process. The Veil Master performs extra work in the background during this time to determine connections, get names of the entity and work out the most effective course of action for the particular attachment. Different entities require different methods of extraction. It can take a number of attempts to successfully extract and evict an entity depending on its strength or length of time it has been with a person. 

Cost: $100 per attempt


Haunting, Portals & House Clearing

Haunting – the belief that there is a negative entity, or many negative entities, such as a spirit or “demon” attached to the house or property, whom is causing a distress to the inhabitants such as unusual sounds, feeling a presence, pets acting strange, seeing shadows and/or lights, flickering lights, batteries going flat often, nasty smells, hearing footsteps, banging or other sounds, temperature changes, seeing orbs, feeling touched and hearing voices.

A thorough assessment of the house is performed and portals, gateways and entities are investigated through psychic channelling. Some houses have multiple disturbances and may require the Veil Master to return a number of times to complete. Due to the intensity of some properties, the Veil Master will only clear a maximum of 3 hours per session for self preservation purposes. Both internal and external areas of the property are investigated.

Cost: $75 per hour 

(Plus additional travel costs)

After Hours Appointments

There is a 25% surcharge after 5pm weekdays.

There is a 50% surcharge for weekends and public holidays.

Shadowcraft School

Clearing and Protection - $195 per person

Level 1 & 2 - For Beginners & Intermediates


  • For ages 11+ (children under 18 years old require written parental consent)

  • This course is available to children aged 11+ because it is vital that young people learn about the dangers of magic, how to protect oneself and how to cleanse oneself before engaging in magickal work.

  • For anyone beginning their journey connecting with parallel realms, or those wanting to sharpen their skills, this course is a MUST.

  • When opening up to magic, you are exposing yourself unknowingly to energies and entities which you may not see or feel. Protection practices MUST be utilised and learning how to cleanse yourself is also important.

  • Learn how to do this for yourself, friends and family.

  • You will learn about a number of methods and tools used by various cultures across the globe including sing bowls, crystals, herbs, music, smudging, amulets, sigils & symbols, anointing oils, chanting, bathing, sun invocation, moon magick, lightwork, planetary influence and invocation of Gods and Goddesses.

  • Touch on practices from cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Medieval Europe, Africa, South and Central America, Australian Indigenous, Native North Americans, China Dynasty, India, Hindu, Muslim and Medieval England.

  • You will get to make your own protection amulet.

  • There will be a small quiz/assessment and practical assessment at the end of the course. Once passed, you will receive an official Certificate of Completion by The Veil Master, which you can display alongside other achievements. 

Herbal Magick - $195 per person

Level 1 - For Beginners & Intermediates


  • For ages 11+ (children under 18 years old require written parental consent)

  • Learn about over 50 herbs for Health, Spells, Protection, Love, Luck, Money and More! Learn about herbs you can source from your very own kitchen, in your garden, and learn about the more exotic and medieval herbs like Mandrake and Dragon's Blood!

  • Learn about what blends well together, and what combinations to avoid.

  • Learn blending basics and how to identify certain herbs.

  • Learn the correct names, including the botanical names, so you don't accidentally confuse herbs with similar names or spelling!

  • You will get the opportunity to create your own herb sachet using herbs to 

  • Each person will receive a small gift pack of 10 herbs to begin your herbal apothecary at home.

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